Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Transitional Generation

I feel compelled to address the body of Christ on a subject that I feel is of vital importance. Jesus rebuked the pharisees for knowing how to determine the seasons and the weather but not the "times" we are in spiritually. Right now, well probably we are in the later part, we are in a transition. The transition is one of moving from a church within walls to a church without walls. Is God shaking you out of a church? Do you feel like something is wrong with the church but you just can't put your finger on it? It is God trying to get us to be focused outside of the church. No longer will we be just inside the church ministering to each other. This is causing the "salt" to lose it's saltiness. We get focused on "ourselves" and instead of reaching the lost we are rotting, to put it nicely. Self focus causes self pity and causes us to be paralyzed. We must get our eyes out into the "highways and byways." That is where God is sending the true church. It is the last hour and we are the ones who have the answer for people. We must be bold. But, if you have a judgemental spirit, one who searches for what's wrong with people rather than what is right with them you will never win them. The world has already had the "old church" or "religion" and they didn't want it. "No thanks" is what you would hear most of them say. Old ways will not reach those who have tasted religion and rejected it. They must get the message through grace and love! In order to have grace and love to give them we have to have the revelation of it ourselves. If you are still operating out of a "you must get your act together" before you come to God people will continue to reject your gospel message. But, if you tell them about the forgiveness and grace and love available from a God who paid the price for them....THE ENTIRE PRICE, then they might listen. Don't judge them. That is not your job. Your job is to speak of grace and mercy. Not to point out their sin. So, the transition has actually already happened and those who refuse to come into the light are going to get left behind, and possibly offended like the Pharisees did when Jesus came on the schene and forgave a prositute caught in the "act" of adultery. It is the story of the prodigal son and his brother. The "father" in the story saw him coming while he was still a long way off (didn't have his act together at all) and began preparations for a celebration. When the other son saw the joy that was going on over this "sinner" coming home he was extremely offended. "I've kept the rules" he said to his father and you never threw me a party. So, please hear me, if you want to be in the current move of the Holy Spirit you must put down religious ways and what has been familiar to you. God is going to let them in! So, ask him to cause you to transition into the current stream of mercy and forgiveness toward a lost and broken world. Look beyond who is inside the walls of the church. Those inside the hospital already know the doctor. We must introduce him to those who have not made their way to him yet. Luke 14:23 "Then the master said to the servant, 'Go out into the highways hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be full.'


  1. Thanks April, I know all of this BUT you have no idea how bad i needed this at THIS TIME, thanks God Bless Sharalee

  2. April, this is so timely in my life right now! What a blessing you are to have written this!
